Latest Past Events

Learning at the Speed of Wireless: Online Real-Time Machine Learning for MIMO in NextG

Tsinghua Alumni Association in Greater Washington DC, Monte Jade Science and Technology Association of Greater Washington, and Chinese American Data Science and Engineering Association (CADSEA) invite you to delve into the crossroads between artificial intelligent (AI) and next-generation (NextG) cellular networks. ​Speaker: Dr. Lingjia Liu Professor & Bradley Senior Faculty Fellow, Virginia Tech Director, Wireless@Virginia […]

ChatGPT two year anniversary: GenAI’s Impact on Society

Panelist: ​Fenghao Chen, Ph.D. ​Panel Moderator ​Dr. Frank Chen is the President and CEO of LINKMedicine.AI, where he has pioneered the application of AI and data technologies to revolutionize medical referrals and patient navigation. Dr Chen combines deep technical expertise with strategic business insights to make modern medicine more accessible. His groundbreaking vision has been […]

AI in Aviation

BEX 8260 Greensboro Dr., McLean

Speaker: Professor Peng Wei, Ph.D., Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The George Washington University About the Speaker: Professor Peng Wei is a distinguished scholar and innovator in the fields of control, optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence as they apply to aviation and aerial robotics. He is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and […]